Forman Brothers Theatre

Wuchterlova 16
160 00 Praha 6

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Telefon: 224 313 151
Fax: 224 313 151
Předprodej: 602 414 420   

Forman Brothers Theatre



Forman Brothers Theatre is not a strictly defined company of actors and authors complete in itself, but rather a free association of people who enjoy co-operating and are close in more than just their approach to work. The theatre bears the names of its 3 founders: Petr, Matěj and Milan Forman, who can be found at the base of every production. Other actors and non-actors enter projects on more or less chance basis, some stay, others leave. The theatre performs at irregular intervals. They tour their own productions, both theatre and open air productions, performing approximately 70 times per year. They have three different productions in their repertoire.
